Day two after Treatment #5

-So I know the culprit.  It’s 7:00 pm, and my friend just stopped by to administer my Nulasta shot.  She typically comes in the early morning after my treatment, but tonight just couldn’t make it.  I think it may be best this way.  (Too bad we only now figured it out.)  I’ve been very groggy/sleepy today, but not that painful, excruciating feeling I usually feel.  So,  I’m assuming that it’s the Nulasta that makes me feel that way.  Hopefully, I’ll sleep through a good bit of that and only have a rough two or three days versus my typical four.  We shall see.  I’m watching Holiday Cupcake Wars on the Food Network and thinking about making cupcakes tonight.  By far, very different from my last 4 (day after treatments).

-Yesterday, my chemo nurse submerged my fingertips in ice during my Taxotere.  Apparently the ice prevents the drug from getting into the cells and causing further nail damage.  She also recommended I go to a skin care clinic.  I really feel that my toenails are starting to lift.  They are getting pretty bad, but only one more treatment to go, so maybe they will hold on!   Another nurse friend of mine suggested that I take Biotin and a B-complex vitamin, so I’m doing all I can at this point.

-Did you know that each chemo treatment is roughly $17,000.  That’s $17,000 x 6, plus all of the doctor visits, and extras that are added for chemo only. (Lab work, scans, etc.)  And that not so kind little Nulasta shot?  Those are $8,000 a pop.  Wow, between Mary Clare and me, our household has some pretty expensive cargo!  Just an interesting little fact, I thought.

-My Oncologist, Dr. Butler, told me that after my last treatment (December 28), I’ll need wait about 3-4 weeks to get my body back in “order” and we’ll schedule surgery.  I’ll meet with Dr. Sweatman, surgeon, soon to discuss options for surgery.  He’s very pro-lumpectomy, so I’m hoping for a smooth, less-invasive, easy-recovery surgery.

-And speaking of less invasive.  The advantage of having chemotherapy prior to surgery was the possibility of shrinking the cancer tumor.  Guess what?  It worked!  My tumor was originally around 2.5 cm and is now about 1.5!  Yay!

-I’ll have to leave my portacath in about a year after my last treatment, “just in case,” so that will be one awesome Christmas present next year!  A port-free me with a short new do!  (I was also told that my hair will be long enough to have a short and sassy do by then!)

Cheers!  One more to go!


Cathy  on December 6th, 2011

So glad you are feeling better and it has gotten smaller. Such great news!!!! As long as the internal stuff is good the outside stuff will work out!( nails etc)
Dr.Sweatman did a great job with me… nice pretty scar… kind of like his personality ( he he….he) is AMAZING at what he does! So happy to hear your great news!
I know how crazy the cost of chemo is.. Daddy had one drug he got ( he went two days in a row) that was thousands of $$…… we are the lucky ones that can afford this! Merry Christams to you and I am so happy for your progress!!!! BIG Cheers!

KATE  on December 6th, 2011

you make my heart smile. i am so very proud of you. i love you, kerri.

Carrie  on December 7th, 2011

YAY!!!! It is so awesome to log on this morning and see this post. I am so happy for you that the tumor has gotten smaller. What a great Christmas present. Costs of cancer treatment is ouch. I am pushing over 130k since I started – yikes! After the new year we have to go get that lunch. Hugs!

Judy and Walter Brown  on December 7th, 2011

The best news of all is that your tumor has shrunk! Thanks be to God!!! You are almost to the finish line and you have definitely run the good race, and with so much grace and dignity! Still praying…….

Cherry McCoy  on December 7th, 2011

Off in the distance I hear a faint jingle……could it be Santa?? Noooo…’s Kerri’s bell, all primed and waiting to ring in just a few short weeks! You have been so courageous and inspiring- I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. Kerri, you have allowed all of us to share your pain and I hope it lessened the burden some for you. God bless you and your wonderful family!

Rebecca  on December 7th, 2011

Oh I love you friend! Here’s to YOU!!!

Katieall  on December 8th, 2011

You are amazing Kerri! I admire you so on how you’ve handled all of this. Hoping you have an easier week this time around. Was listening to country music yesterday & Martina McBride has a new song “love you through it”. Wow–the song was made for you. I cried & cried thinking about you & your sweet family. Anyway, you are such an inspiration!!! Love you!
Hugs, Katie & family

Nonnie  on December 8th, 2011

Cheers! to you, Mel, McCanless and Mary Clare!
My lantern wish is coming true by the minute!!!
I love you so much, Mom

Nonnie  on December 8th, 2011

It’s beginning to feel like Christmas-love you:)