Archive for March, 2006

OKAY, what about this one?

baby kerri.jpg

This is me at age two. Does it look like McCanless? (Or am I just in denial, and reaching at nothing?)

“You get on my nuts”

Sorry it has been so long since I’ve updated the blog! So much has been happening lately. Mel’s pants company, Mel’s political fundraising, Mel’s visit with the Vice-President, Mel deciding to rip out my kitchen and remodel it…hmmm is there a trend here?

McCanless’ vocabulary has really taken off lately. She comes up with words I can’t even believe she has heard, much less knows the meaning of. She is usually on target with the context of words, but sometimes she gets it all wrong and ends up frustrated with me because I’m laughing hysterically.

The other day, I made her clean up all of her puzzles and she shot me a mean, slanted eye look and said, “You get on my nuts, Mommy.” I had to laugh as I realized she mixed a phrase she so often directs to Mel, “You get on my nerves” and one she has heard me say probably too often, “You are driving me nuts.”